Normal shipping & receiving hours are from 8AM - 4:30PM. If you need these services beyond our regually scheduled times, please call us ahead of time so that we can make the arrangements to accommodate your shipping & receiving needs.
If you wish to ship
samples, a partial order, or your entire job via common carrier (UPS, FedEx, or
freight trucking), Sterling Finishing can make the arrangements. In order to
expedite your request, it is necessary to complete our form (SR-150) -
documentation explaining this form can be found here. There are several formats of this
An Adobe Acrobat PDF file that you download then fax to
A Microsoft Word document that you directly email to
Sterling (you may also fax this completed document). To supply answers, you will
need to do a right-click on any of the fields you're answering, by selecting
'Update Field'.
A Microsoft Word template
(WinZip compressed) that you will prompt you for answers pertaining to
shipping via common carrier, after which you can directly email to Sterling (you
may also fax this completed document)
Sterling's PDF's will automatically open in your Web browser if you have
Adobe Acrobat installed. To save these Acrobat PDF documents and Word documents,
you must right-click the link, and select from the popup window Save
Target As... - you will then be promted to select the location on your
computer where to save the file.
Use these forms only to
ship single or multiple packages to an individual address - If there are
multiple address that are not in file format (MS Excel, Text, ...), it is
necessary to have a form for each address. If you have multiple addresses in a
file, then please visit our Distribution List
page to process this request. The following information is required for
common carrier processing:
- Your preferred shipper (UPS, FedEx, etc)
- Method of payment:
- Your company's shipping number or
- If shipping 3rd party, please include your customer's shipping number
- Delivery options (Next Day, Ground, etc) or Delivery Date
- A Reference Number to be used when tracking your packages
- Supply us with an email address so that we can email your tracking numbers
(tracking numbers will be faxed or emailed before 10:30AM the next business
- Notifiy us of any changes - once the shipment has been process and/or
shipping labels have been applied, you will be charged for the labor involved.